Children require the right foods at the right time to grow and develop to their full potential. The most critical time for good nutrition is during the first 1,000 days period from pregnancy until a child’s second birthday. Properly nourished children are better able to grow, learn, play and participate in activities.
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Breastmilk is the perfect food for an infant as it contains the right amount of nutrients. Exclusive breastfeeding is the practice whereby infants receive only breastmilk without mixing it with water, other liquids, teas, herbal preparations or food in the first 6 months of life except vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines.
Frequency and Duration
During the first week, it is approximately 8-12 times a day on demand as soon as the infant shows early signs of hunger such as increased alertness, activity or suckling motions. Crying is a late indicator of hunger. As the infants grow older, the stomach capacity enlarges and the mother’s milk production increases, allowing for longer intervals between feeding. Infants obtain half the milk from the breast during the first two to three minutes of sucking. Breastfeeding is encouraged for ten to fifteen minutes on each breast. The sucking as well as complete removal of milk from the breast stimulates lactation.
Stages of Breastmilk
The first stage of milk that develops during pregnancy is called COLOSTRUM. It is a thick and yellowish, lasts for a few days after the infant's birth. The colostrum is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
After two to four days, the TRANSITIONAL MILK replaces the colostrum. It is thin, white and contains high in fat, calories, protein, lactose and vitamins.
Approximately ten to fifteen days following the infant's birth, the MATURE MILK begins. It is lighter in colour and consists of water. The FORE MILK is the milk that flows at the beginning of the feeding (it is water and quenches infant thirst) while the HIND MILK flows towards the end (it is higher in calories, fats, and quenches infants hunger). The consumption of hindmilk is essential to ensure infants adequate nutrition.
Benefits of Breastfeeding
For Infants:
It contains vital nutrients that support the child growth
It protects against allergies and eczema
It lessens the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDMS)
It is rich in antibodies that support infants immunity
It reduces the risk of infections
Promotes healthy weight gain and protects against excessive weight gain.
For Mothers:
It helps lose pregnancy weight and get one in shape
It helps the uterus to contract
It reduces the risk of postpartum depression
It may lower the risk of osteoporosis
It serves as natural birth control protection
It strengthens mother-child bond
It is cost-effective